
"Noam moaned," moaned Noam.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

...lets do the time warp again...

It seems to me I only post on weekends. That's ok though.

I have a lot less to do than I did last weekend. I think this is because I wrote a lot of work-ahead stuff on my to do list, and I've already done some stuff. And no early app. Plus, tomorrow is parent teacher conference day, with no conference! sweet!

I went to see the play last night. It was hilarious, one of the best I've seen in my uni "career". So good job actor people, you roxored. I especially liked...well actually, everything. Now that I think about it, the casting was really good. Out of all the main thespian really-into-drama people, I couldn't think of anyone who would do any role better! yay.

So yea, I heard the time warp song on the radio on halloween! However, I didn't ever hear thriller. which is weird. but its ok, I've heard that song bajillions of times, I may know all of the words.

In other news. I like driving, and I like Billy Collins' poetry. And I like tea/coffee/warm drink stuff. Perfect for a fall afternoon, hm? duuuude. Our computer's backgroud looks exactly like the view out the window, except it isn't. Its freakay.

However its sort of a glum day. not fun for doing math and stuff, which I have been most of the morning. we have a 5 billion page philosophy reading to do, which isn't fun.

what do I wear to Michelle's wedding! omg, THANKSGIVING!!! I love that holiday. I love the fact that we get so many days off/half in november. I also love chicken biryani. sorry to be random.

Hmm, I have to buy lots of presents. This is because: Brother, Sister, Mo, Eddie Izzard (by that I mean, Ariana, not eddie himself) uhhh and I should think about holiday presents, because if they're order type things I have to come up with ideas. hmmmm. and I should buy myself stuff that I want. for...hannukah, i guess. CHRISMUKKAH!

dude, oc. I watched it this thursday, when I was "sick". I was sick, sort of. and tired, and bio needy, and stuff. It was pretty awesome. Speaking of thursday, on friday when I came back I poked Lillian and she like ATTACKED me with hugs and I nearly had a heart attack. Also, people noticed I was gone I feel so loved. yay. sort of.

omg guys. hehehehe. Sophmore year memories anyone?

ok, buhbye!