
"Noam moaned," moaned Noam.

Friday, December 16, 2005

...i don't want a lot for christmas...

MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE! (all I want for christmas is you)

omg guys. DONE! I've been amazingly stressed lately, I didn't realize I could be this stressed. But its ok cuz I'm like, done! and I'm really happy about that. btw, deferred from harvard. so uh, I have a sort of positive attitude about that cuz it's not too bad. Although I suppose its frustrating that I applied early but I can't actually know early. I doubt I'll get in, but who needs 'em? ha.

Now all I have to do is finish up nutcracker crew, and I'll have no more commitments ever till January! Then I can work on college and stuff, and maybe start liking hot chocolate again (apparently I am a freak of nature because I don't like it, oh well). And on Sunday maybe we are going to steak and shake....cheese fries w00t w00t.

So yea, I love all my friends, you guys are awesome I'm so lucky! Yayyyy. And as Taikumi says: "Happy Horidaysu! Merry Kurismasu! I am super!!!" Okay without the superman part, but that's in the spirit anyways.