
"Noam moaned," moaned Noam.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

...first day of senior year...

w00h00. That's over. I had a pretty good day. It for lack of a better word.

Back to school stats:
-minutes doing nothing and being bored before school: 30
-number of books to stuff in locker: a billion
-room number of anat phys class:1111 (cool or what?)
-minutes worked on calc hwk: about...25?
-number of cool people that i could possibly do lunchbuddies with: about 5 i think, new and improved!
-number of people that should have been wearing class shirts:60
-number of people that did: probably like 40
-number of times i fell down the stairs: 1
-number of times i was on the elevator:3 i think
-other things that are gonna be on this list:0

woot that was so good. not. anyways, time to not blog anymore. love love byebye.