...and I don't want the world to see me cuz I don't think that they'd understand...
I really want to go to college. I want to skip this year. I want to be able to start over on a clean slate, and I don't want to miss anybody. I don't want to know anybody, I want everybody to be new. I just want to leave now and never want to come back. And I don't want any complications, just life.
...I just want you to know who I am...ooh song quote.
How come sometimes, you get to know somebody and you think you completely understand them, and then it turns out its completely different. So you can never know someone all the way. And people can fake emotions, and fake personalities, and fake what they say and what they do. So you can create a whole different world for yourself based on willpower. And trick people. and then if you think you like/hate someone, what if you're just liking/hating the fake them? Thats not good. Because then the person who likes/hates has fake emotions, that are based on person1's fake emotions....FEEDBACK CYCLE OF DOOM----> the whole world is fake???? Thats so screwed up.
And I could live without the people I know. Because if you fake personalities, you can find the exact same person everywhere. I can easily act like someone else for a day. or at least act like what others perceive of them. So then what is the basis of missing/knowing people? You think you care, but really its all the same. And of all of the people I know, I know myself the least, that freaks me out a lot.
Alright I give up. Bye.
Edit like 2 seconds later : Michelle is getting married, eeeeek.